Needs working on...
This needs some time spent on it
The controls are far too twichy and don't really give you a feel of moving character about. As such the fall speed is too high not letting you try and hover but more jurk up and down with little control. The collision detection also drives you mad as not touching anyting but as moving diagonally it will say I hit something and died. Some of the levels could also really use a safe spot to land and give you a rest be for moving on.
The Free Fly needs more to do in it... To be used as a practice, some other platforms to land on and some animated stuff to try and hit.
Graphics are ok but look like you only added the least you could to get the game up and running. A background would be nice and if it is an adventure where is the stoy to it... I had no idea why I was there or why I'd want to get out.